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每日速读!刚看到一个 #炎亚纶 的粉丝留言

来源:哔哩哔哩     时间:2023-06-21 20:39:45


刚看到一个 #炎亚纶 的粉丝留言。





I just came across a comment from a fan of Aaron Yan. I even went to verify if the commenter was a "bot account," but it turned out that she was a real person, a young girl who is a genuine fan of Aaron Yan. It made me suddenly question whether the "gender equality" we have been advocating for all these years has truly been implemented. If it has been implemented... then how come there are still children like this girl using such verbal violence/disrespecting victims of sexual assault? Are we allowing our children to excessively idolize "celebrities" without instilling a sense of right and wrong? Is our education system facing significant issues?

